How to make money as a stay at home mom- 12 work from home income streams

If you’re wondering how to make money as a stay at home mom, you’re in the right place! Included below are simple yet efficient ways to multiple your income streams while taking caring of your amazing children.


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If you’re wondering how to make money as a stay at home mom, you’re in the right place! Included below are simple yet efficient ways to multiple your income streams while taking caring of your amazing children.

Many people don’t think that making money from home is possible. That couldn’t be farther from the truth! Especially after the pandemic in 2020, online gigs have increased thus offering more opportunities for stay at home moms.

If you’re a mama, you’ve chosen to stay at home for a reason! In the rat race of the USA, many 9-5 jobs are extremely demanding and commonly take away from spending time with the ones we love. Have no worries, the opportunities listed down below can be either worked at night or are extremely flexible!

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Sell Printables on Etsy- Make Money as a Stay at Home Mom

Etsy isn’t just for crochet tote bags and cute water bottle holders. Many stay at home moms make thousands of dollars every year selling printables! What is a printable you may ask? A printable is a pdf download of a certain design. Printable can range from coloring books, Bingo sheets, creative card games, and crossword puzzle searches! Choose a unique niche or something that is popular (ex: Christmas colouring page during the Holiday season) and get to work!

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Full Time Blogger

As someone who has been blogging for a little over a year, this source of income is extremely recommended! While it does take a but of time to set up monetization, the possibilities are endless. Through my blog I’ve gotten to travel the world, save money, and make money from doing what I love. All the while being my own boss! There is no cap to how much you can make while blogging. Some people make an extra $3,000 per month. Other bloggers make $60,000 per month as their full time job!

Glasses and phone resting on computer
Photo By: Aleksander Vlad on Unsplash

If aspiring to become a blogger, its recommended to start via WordPress and not Shopify or Wix. This is because with WordPress, your site is self hosted whereas their e-commerce competitors and owned by those companies. It’s also more affordable to get started via WordPress and a private host. I remember spending $300 for the first year signing up my personal blog with Wix, I only spent $50 with Blue Host and WordPress. What a huge difference!

Hosting through WordPress is also much cheaper. One of the BEST online hosts to start a blog is BlueHost! For first timers, their price is only $2.95 USD per month (a STEAL!) Start your blog TODAY by signing up through Bluehost.

Woman teaching English
Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko:

Become a language tutor/teacher- Make Money as a Stay at Home Mom

If you have a good voice and love talking to people, consider teaching a language on italki! Don’t worry, if you don’t have your TEFL or degree, you can still teach! Simply sign up for a community tutor and chose which language you want to teach. The site offers opportunities for many native speakers like Yoruba, Spanish, Japanese, Swahili, and of course English.

Affiliate Income

If you’re active online or social media, Im sure you’ve heard about affiliate marketing. It’s only one of THE best ways to earn a passive income aka making money in your sleep! How this works is you promote a company or product you may love, lets say a cute phone case or the best travel pillow ever. when someone purchases through your link, you receive a commission from the purchase made!

There are several big companies you can affiliate with, Amazon being the largest one. However not all companies are created equally! Amazon typically gives a 1% percent commission from items sold which is incredibly low. Some companies on another site called Share-a-Sale can aware as much as 15% commission! Over all, affiliate marketing is a great way to earn extra money, especially if you have a platform/audience.

Do Surveys Online

Did you know you can make money by answering a few questions? While this income may not be as high as the others, its still something! Many companies need real people to give real answers for their questions. In compensation of answering questions for a certain period of time, you’ll receive a balance which in turn can be caused out via gift cards or etc. My favorite online survey company is Swag Bucks.

Sign up for SwagBucks here and start making money today!

One Hundred dollar bill, pencils, and calculator Reston on survey graph

Baby Sitting- Make Money as a Stay at Home Mom

If you have kid, there a high chance you love being around children! Baby-sitting or starting a mini day care at your home is a fantastic way to earn an extra buck and help out other mamas as well. Reach out to your fellow mama friends or even post something on Facebook! Make your home into a welcoming space and watch the extra dollars roll in.

Print on Demand

Love to design t-shirts? This one is for you! Printing on demand is basically creating a design to go on a tangible product and selling it. You don’t worry about buying the shirts or mugs, all of that work is done for you behind the scenes! My favourite graphic design program is Canva. Its completely free to start, easy to learn, and you can produce amazing art!

Sign up for a Canva account here and start your print on demand business TODAY!

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Proof Reading- Make Money as a Stay at Home Mom

If you enjoy reading and are good at editing essays I can’t recommend this enough. Proofreaders are those who will look at essays and check for typos, grammar, or punctuation issues. You can get started by creating an account of Fiverr or LinkedIn or even market yourself on FaceBook.

Graphic Design

Hop back onto Canva and get those digital design skills in order! Believe it or not, there are graphic design opportunities available every single day; you never know when you can land one! Video editing, creating an event poster, you name it! If you feel like you do well with designing cool things on the inter web, you can definitely monetise your skills as a stay at home mom doing graphic design.

Work desk with laptop, journals, and lamp

Photo by Arnel Hasanovic on Unsplash

Freelance Writer – Make Money as a Stay at Home Mom

I’m a person that absolutely loves to write so this was a no brainer for me. I made thousands of dollars extra by Freelance Writing and you can too! Travel is one of my niches and a topic I’m extremely educated on; I could talk about traveling for hours to be honest. I sold travel articles to a company called WorldPackers and they took me on for consistent work every month! Figure out your niche (craft, blogging, travel, exercise, healthy eating, etc) and reach out to big websites, companies and see if they’re hiring any extra writers.

Virtual Assistant

VA’s are people who help companies digitally. Whether it may be finding brand deals, sending out emails, or creating schedules, virtual assistants are very much in demand right now. You can find jobs on Facebook by promoting yourself as well as Fiverr and LinkedIn. Create a good looking resume and be sure to include what digital programs you use to stay organised.

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Book keeper- Make Money as a Stay at Home Mom

Good with money and finances? Consider becoming a book keeper. This is one of the higher paying online experiences in this post and can earn up to $50,000 per year! The job description of a Book keeper often entails tracking finances and income/expenses of a company. While it may sound “boring” to some, it makes a great income and is very accesible!

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