How I make $1,000+ per month with a small blog | How to Make Money Blogging

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Some links may be affiliated. This means I may earn a small commission from purchases made at no extra cost to you!

If you want to learn how to make money blogging, you’re in the right place. Working for yourself, working from home, and entrepreneurship are becoming more popular than ever as time goes on.

How I make $1000 per month blogging Pinterest Image

People are tired of working long hours for little pay and are opting for ways to become their own boss. Blogging is one of the ways to make a lot of money from the comfort of your home!

Blogging can be part time or fully replace a corporate job. It just depends on how much time and effort you put into it. I’ve been running a small food blog for the past year and it’s been a consistent stream of side hustle money for me.

Since I have had another job, I haven’t had as much time to put into my blog. Yet, it still acts as a steady income source month by month. Let’s learn how to make money blogging and how I earn over $1,000 per month with a small blog.

Computer and iPad on a desk

In order to make money blogging, of course you need to start a blog! If you want to truly turn your blog into a business and make money, you’ll need a self hosted site. Although Wix & SquareSpace are very popular, they’re not self hosted which means you technically don’t own that space.

The problem with an e-commerce buildable site is setting ad earning revenue up. Ad companies usually aren’t able to run on platforms privately owned sites, which means you’ll lose out on earning Ad Revenue as a source of income.

Instead, sign up for a self hosted site with BlueHost and set up your blog via WordPress. Not only is it so much cheaper, it may even help your site to rank higher on google!

Start your blogging journey today and sign up with BlueHost for one $2.95 per month and a free domain for your first year! The entire total should be just about $50 whereas I paid $300 for a year with Wix. That’s a huge difference!

1. Digital Products- Make Money Blogging

Creating digital products are a great way to earn a passive income as a blogger. Selling printables, e-books, and courses are some popular products that create consistent income.

For my food blog, I created 2 e-books and made over $400 in the first two months. Now that may not seem to be much to many but as a small blog, that meant the world to me!

Computer with pink phone and succulent plant

Whatever your talent is, find a way to monetise and profit off of it. Whether it is creating an e-manual for a crochet pattern, a pdf cookbook for Vegan recipes, or a course teaching people how to make money online.

Once you figure out what digital product you wish to create, begin marketing and promoting your product. The news can be spread via articles on your blog, email marketing, or social media.

2. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of THE best ways to make money blogging! I’ve seen bloggers easily earn thousands of dollars per month with blog posts that were written months (or even years) ago!

There are several affiliate marketing companies to sign up with, Amazon being the largest one. However, Amazon pays extremely low, about 1% commission. Apart from Amazon, there are other great affiliate programs to sign up. Share-A-Sale for example pays up to 20% commission!

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In order to make a good amount of money with affiliate marketing, you have to be strategic. It’s not just about dropping a link here and there and hoping people will click.

Creating blog posts specifically geared towards affiliate marketing is key. So blog posts like “Best Winter Jackets” and including affiliated links is a great way to rank high in google and earn $$.

3. Ad Revenue- Make Money Blogging

Ad Revenue is one of the most popular to make money blogging. Travel blogs, arts & crafts, food blogging, you name it! Bloggers can earn over $20,000 per month just from ads on their site.

Ads are the videos/pop up banners promoted by companies who pay for those slots. They’re similar to TV commercials or still ads in a newspaper.

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One of the best paying ad revenue companies is Mediavine. Medium sized blogs can easily earn thousands a month just from the ads on their website. However, they’re a very exclusive ad company and have strict requirements.

Your site needs at least 50,000 sessions (people) the previous month to apply. While that may seem hard, it’s definitely possible if the hard work and grit is applied! Smaller blogs can start off with companies like Google Adsense or SHE network.

4. Brand Deals/Paid Blog Posts

This one can work is a great source of income, but one of my least favourites. If you have a high following on social media or enough page views on your blog, the pay is great.

However negotiating with brands can be discouraging at times. They will try to lowball you at first and it may be 2-3 months before getting paid.

But if you stick it through, brand deals and paid blog posts are a wonderful source of income for established, and even new bloggers.

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5. YouTube Ads- Make Money Blogging

This one requires putting yourself and your personality out there. But it’s a great way to make money blogging! Many bloggers have YouTube channels to accompany their blogs and they bring in an extra couple thousand per month.

The way to make money from YouTube is via Adsense revenue. Basically, the 30 second ad breaks are what make a youtube’s pockets fatter. The more views on a video’s ads, the more cha chings.

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Popular food blogs like Pick up Limes and Rainbow Plant Life upload regularly and strategically place links to their blogs in the description of their YouTube videos. So they make money not only from the ads on their blogs, but also the ads on their videos!

A yt video made 5 years ago can randomly gain traction in the algorithm and blow up. Same with a blog article made 5 years ago. If you have the time and drive, creating a YouTube channel to accompany your blog is a great investment!

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