Best things to do in Chiapas Mexico

Chiapas is a magical Mexican state full of indigenous culture. Let’s explore the best things to do in Chiapas.


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Chiapas Mexico is by far my FAVORITE place in Mexico! There is an abundance of fun things to do in Chiapas and its beauty is jaw dropping.

Pinterest image things to do in Chiapas

The land is ancient and rich in indigenous Mexican culture, loaded with gorgeous sites, and extremely biodiverse. Chiapas ranges from the aesthetic town of San Cristobal de las Casas to the countless blue waterfalls.

Chiapas sits at the border of Mexico and Guatemala. There are actually quite a few busses/shuttles that will take you to Guatemala if you desire (for an affordable price).

If you love mountains, waterfalls, and native culture then Chiapas is surely the adventure for you. Let’s go ahead and dive into magnificent things to do in Chiapas Mexico.

When I landed in Chiapas I touched down at the Tuxtla Guiterrez airport. I took a bus straight from the airport to San Cristobal de las Casas, a city in the mountains. This area gets cold in the winter time so pack accordingly.

The drive took about an hour and cost me around $14 USD. I enjoyed air-conditioning and a safe shuttle with only a few other people. It’s much more affordable than doing a private car or uber.

Woman sitting on ledge Chiapas Mexico

The bus will drop you off at a central station from which you can call a taxi or walk to your accommodation. As a solo female traveler, I felt very safe and comfortable. There were plenty of hostels that were super cheap as well.

I highly recommend staying in san Cristobal de las Casas and booking tours from there for the best Chiapas experience.

Sumidero Canyon- Things to do in Chiapas

One of my favorite nature destinations in Chiapas. This canyon is like The Arizona Grand Canyon and Tanzanian safari had a baby. (random comparison right?) It is lush, full of green, deep blue waters, and relaxing.

I booked a day tour with my hostel that lasted about 10 hours and costed $30 USD. We drove to Sumidero Canyon and countless other places. When we arrived to Sumidero Canyon, we went on boats and learned about the indigenous history of the area. It was truly magical and moving.

San Cristobal de las Casas

A town sitting in the mountains, San Cristobal de las Casas is so aesthetic and dreamy! This was easily my favorite city in all of Mexico; it is pretty unbeatable.

The streets are bustling with people from everywhere and the town has such a down to earth feel. Go on a walking tour and bring your camera with you! It’s not a sight to miss.

There’s also a phenomenal local craft and fruit/veggie market. Get the chance to buy some tropical fruit or floral print clothing. It was such a great, authentic experience and I was able to see some of the indigenous culture of Chiapas as well.

Cinco Lagos Lagoon- Things to do in Chiapas

This lagoon’s natural beauty is so breath taking! We first stopped to grab a bite to eat at a local Mexican restaurant. Then we proceeded down to the water. We had the choice to either take pictures at the top, or go into the water on a raft.

Since I am a solo female traveler, I couldn’t go on the raft alone. Thankfully there were others in my group tour and I sat with 2 other ladies. If you love boat rides and water activities, this one is surely for you!

Explore Palenque

Palenue chiapas Mexico
Photo by Edwin Pérez on Pexels

An ancient indigenous town where civilisations lived in the jungle. Palenque is a Central American gem similar to Chicken Itza in the Yucatan Peninsula.

If you love history and want to learn more about the indigenous Americas, Palenque is a must visit. Take a look at ancient pyramids, ruins, and learn about how life was lived thousands of years ago.

Zinacantan- Things to do in Chiapas

Woman stichting a patten
Photo by ALAN DE LA CRUZ on Unsplash

ZInacantan is another adventurous thing to do in Chiapas, southern Mexico. Swing by this Mayan village to learn how indigenous women textiles and weave traditional patterns. If you’re visiting from San Cristobal de las Casas, it will be more than easy to book a tour to the town.

Reserva Ecológica y Orquideario Moxviquil

Small pool surrounded by trees and flowers

This one is for all my budget travellers who want cheap things to do in Chiapas! Reserva Ecológica y Orquideario Moxviquilis a free nature botanical garden reserve/park and it’s super cute.

Bring a good book and a camera and see all the beautiful well kept flowers the park has to offer. I ended up staying here for a few hours because it was just that relaxing and pretty!

Cascada El Chiflón- Things to do in Chiapas

Woman sitting on rocks posing next to waterfall

I think the picture speaks for itself?? I’ve been to over 20 countries and this is seriously still one of THE prettiest waterfalls I’ve ever seen! It has to be one of my favorite things to do in Chiapas.

Cascada El Chiflón has multiple waterfalls in one. The largest most extravagent is about an hour hike to the top.

The area also has snacks and zip lining so there is endless fun! I went on a tour and only had about 2 hours so unfortunately I couldn’t hike to the top.

So I would greatly recommend going here yourself and taking time to enjoy the cascades (waterfalls) in its entirety.

Cascadas de Agua Azul (Agua Azul Waterfalls)

Powerful blue waterfall
Photo by Jorge__ Medina_ on Pexels

Probably one of the most stunning and epic views of Chiapas.Be sure to bring a bathing suit and a good camera! The water is an incredible blue (hence the name) and the site is jaw dropping.

The entire state of Chiapas offers some pretty dope waterfalls but this one has it’s own unique dopeness. (is that a word?!) The waterfall is open every day of the week from 8 am to 9 pm so come in, sit back, and relax.

San Cristobal Cathedral- Things to do in Chiapas

San Cristobal Cathedral Things to do In Chiapas

Located in the heart of San Cristobal de las Casas town, is the San Cristobal Cathedral. This was made in the 1500s, and you can generally feel the old town vibe in the entire surrounding square.

There is plenty of street food, restaurants, and tourists walking up and down. You could totally sit down for an hour and just people watch. The Cathedral opens from 9 am and closes 8 pm.

Pinterest image things to do in Chiapas

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