19 Habits of Successful Women

Living a happy, healthy, and successful life is attainable for everyone on earth. Some women feel as though they may not have control over their life and they don’t know what they’re doing.


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Living a happy, healthy, and successful life is attainable for everyone on earth. Some women feel as though they may not have control over their life and they don’t know what they’re doing. The thing is, having and maintaining healthy habits is the key to living a life full of accomplishments. Let’s explore some habits of successful women and start building the life of your dreams.

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Each woman is different. We all have different personalities, skin tones, cultures, and body shapes. But there are certain cores and aspects of a successful women regardless of what race or career she comes from. Having the courage and self confidence to set standards and morals for yourself are some of the first few steps to building healthy habits as a successful women.

Financially responsible

Successful women don’t throw money around just because they can or they have it. Keeping and following a budget not only brings about financial security but also helps to build generational wealth.

Curry chickpeas and pumpkin rice on a plate
Jamaican Curry Chickpeas with pumpkin rice

Cook Healthy food

Successful women recognise their bodies as temples. So, if your body is a temple, would you constantly put cheap junk food into it? Of course, we are allowed to live a life of balance and have that slice of pizza every once in a while. However it is important to fuel your body (and soul) with nourishing fruit and vegetables to keep you energized and healthy.

Head to my food blog for delicious and healthy vegan Caribbean recipes!

Remain Organized

Organization is one of the biggest keys to a successful woman’s life. Having tasks and events written down on a weekly planner. Knowing what time which events are going to take place. Keeping a clean living and working space. The orginization or lack thereof can represent the mental clarity of a woman’s mind.

Gold for the year on note pad

Set Goals

Setting goals whether small or big is one of the main habits of successful women. A goal can be financial, physical, relationship, or even mentally related. Whether the goal may be as journaling more often, small as saving up for a new laptop, or as big as purchasing a new house. Setting goals, big and small, prepares women for life in the best way possible.

Reading Regularly

No matter the genre you love, reading is a great way to increase brain functionality and vocabulary! I love going to my local library’s website to see what books are available and have 4-5 books read per month.

Prioritise Self Care and Self Love

Self care is eating healthy foods and buying new shoes instead of wearing busted ones to work each day. Self love is repeating words of affirmation and positivity to ourselves rather than words of hate and despair. Having self care/love as a priority is a top shelf habit of successful women.

Clean living space with plants and book shelf

Keep a Clean Space

A clean living space can also represent a clean mental. I often find when my room is messy and disorganised, I feel overwhelmed and cluttered. Cleaning once a week can provide a significant difference in living and office/work spaces.

Exercise Often

Exercising is not just to obtain (or keep) a slim thin body. It’s also to feel good on the inside. Walking for at least 30 minutes a day can greatly improve one’s health. It doesn’t have to be an intense ab workout or spending 3 hours at the gym. However, successful women always prioritise their healthy by frequent exercising.

Woman sleeping in bed

Get Enough Sleep

It’s not high school days anymore, sleeping until 2 am is not the new cool. Research has shown women need more sleep than men and at least 7-8 hours per night is the goal. When I find myself wanting to sleep later, I shut down whatever I’m working on.

It’s best to complete a task during the fresh, awakened hours of the day instead of the dead of night. Our bodies repair and heal themselves during the nighttime. By not getting enough rest, we may be unknowingly ribbing ourselves of proper physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.

Stick to a Budget

Budgeting income and outgoing expenses is key to staying on top of one’s financial life. Before I started keeping track of my money, I always wondered how my money disappeared so quickly. I started to budget my money and became a lot more financially aware and free.

Creating a budget is easy and free via google sheets. Choose the right template for you and get to work on your financial freedom!

Woman with bright pink workout clothes in forest

High self esteem/confidence

Successful women always think of themselves very highly. Not in a cocky way but in a self appreciative way. We talk to ourselves the most so it’s important to repeat words of positivity and gratitude.

Journal Feelings

It’s been said journaling is like free therapy. I journal on good days, bad days, and days where I feel like not much has happened. Journaling is also a great way of emotional expression and self validation.

Have a nighttime routine

Tongue scraping, flossing, meditation, prayer, journaling or anything else in between. Whatever is important to you and sets the tone before sleeping should practiced each night. I personally like to set a no screen time 1 hour before sleeping. During that time period, I may listen to an uplifting podcast, have my diffuser on, meditate, and read a book.

Women laughing looking at a phone

Positive Group of friends

The people around you have the most influence. Keeping a positive group of people in your immediate circle is a great way to stay positive. However, staying around negative people who had bad advice may keep you farther away from your goals.

Waking up early

Going to bed early and waking up early are synonymous. The earlier you wake up, the more time of the day you have. If you have work at 9 and wake up at 8, the activities leading until work will be rushed and chaotic.

However if you wake up around 5 or even 6, there’s time for meditation, reading, and a healthy breakfast.

Woman with purple spa face mask

Have Relax Time

Successful women are not in go mode all the time. They set aside time for relaxation to watch their favorite tv show or dive into a new book they just got.

Learn New Information/Skills

Successful people always learn new skills. Whether investing in real estate or learning hw to play the guitar, new information is always valuable! These skills can be added to a work resume or simply add more spice to every day life.

Not Quick to Anger or Judge

Anger is a common human emotion, but we should never judge anyone prematurely. So when our food takes longer than expected to come out at a restaurant or things don’t work in our favour, stay calm and collected. Always analyse a situation thoroughly before acting on any emotions.

Focus on Positives Rather than Negatives

It’s so easy to focus on everything that is going wrong in life, but a life lived in negativity is not balanced. Of course, life will not always go as planned. But recognising the positive and remaining optimistic are what separate others from highly successful women.

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